Thursday, December 5, 2013

Floral Crown + Boutonniere, DIY!

Here's how to make floral crown by yourself! :)

1.  an assortment of silk flowers
2.  12 gauge floral wire
3.  floral tape
4.  scissors

First of all! Cut out each flower bloom and sort them by types.  Then, mount 12 gauge floral wire onto your head, make a circle, and cut the wire accordingly.  Place prepared flower blooms on the wire and  wrap them around the wire with floral tape. 

TIPS:  You can also make matching groom's boutonniere with left over flowers! :D

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wedding Favor / Handmade Soaps :)

Cindy - the wedding planner and I were searching for wedding favor ideas for days and we decided to make handmade soaps for 300 guests.  We first thought it was crazy idea, however, silicon ice cube molds that we found at IKEA enabled us to make mini-sized soaps PLUS kraft gable boxes from saved us!
Making soap is very simple and fun.  The most difficult tasks would be 1.  hunt for ingredients  2. push a button on a microwave.  

What you need to prepare: 
1.  Proper work station:  Melted soaps are hot!  Make sure to clear off the working area before you melt your soap base in a microwave.   
2.  Soap base
3.  Soap molds:  We used silicon ice cube molds.  They are very useful because you can take out harden soaps by just clicking its back :)
4.  Essential oils 
5.  Food colorings:  Be cautious that food coloring can cause skin irritation to senstive skins in some cases.  (However, very very few drops of it is enough for pastel colors, and it never leaves color stains on your skin.)      
Steps to make handmade soaps!
1.  Cut soap bases into chunks in similar sizes.
2.  Put them into a microwave safe container.
3.  Melt them on a microwave.
4.  Pour them into the molds. 
5.  Wait until it cools down and hardens up completely. 
6.  Take soaps out.
7.  DONE :)
** Special Thanks to Cindy, my soul sister and the world's best wedding planner :) **